Supreme Chaos by Judge Charles Pickering

A blog about the book "Supreme Chaos: The Politics of Judicial Confirmation & the Culture War" by Judge Charles Pickering - for new updates visit the blog for Pickering's second book: "A Price Too High"

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

O'Reilly Factor

Tuesday night Judge Pickering appeared on the Fox News program The O'Reilly Factor.

From Bill's "Talking Points Memo," it sounds like the read "Supreme Chaos": The "Talking Points Memo" this evening is about another piece of history, the confirmation of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. By a vote of 58-42, the Senate confirmed Judge Alito this morning, but there was deep-seated anger in the secular progressive precincts. That's because with Alito and Judge Roberts now in the court, traditionalists will rule and secular progressives will have a much more difficult time getting their agenda mandated into law. Remember, the SPs cannot win at the ballot box. They must rely on sympathetic judges and courts to implement what they want, like the gay marriage legalization in Massachusetts. Quick background. A traditionalist believes America was well founded and does not want drastic changes to the country. Secular progressives believe that the USA is a flawed nation fundamentally, and needs a vast overhaul, including a move away from Judeo-Christian traditions. This is not a liberal-conservative deal. Many liberals are traditionalists....Now progress for our people means big changes in society. Ironically, the secular progressive Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco makes my point today. It ruled that the congressional ban on partial birth abortion is unconstitutional. Remember, Congress has elected to make the laws. And the majority of lawmakers and indeed Americans believe aborting a baby in late term is wrong unless the life of the mother is in danger. But the Ninth Circuit does not believe that. It believes a baby can be terminated in the womb at any time, for any medical reason, and stated so today. This is a vivid example of judicial fiat, judges, not congress, making the law. Now Roberts and Alito aren't going to go along with that. And that's why Kennedy and other SPs are so angry. They are losing power in this country, and they know it. And that's the Memo."



Blogger blank said...

Quick background. A traditionalist believes America was well founded and does not want drastic changes to the country. Secular progressives believe that the USA is a flawed nation fundamentally, and needs a vast overhaul, including a move away from Judeo-Christian traditions.

Did you learn that in law school or on Fox News?

9:48 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

Those are O'Reilly's words.

8:23 AM  

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