Supreme Chaos by Judge Charles Pickering

A blog about the book "Supreme Chaos: The Politics of Judicial Confirmation & the Culture War" by Judge Charles Pickering - for new updates visit the blog for Pickering's second book: "A Price Too High"

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Roll Call

The Washington DC newspaper Roll Call reviews the book in today's issue. The online version requires a subscription. In "Pickering, Part One: First of Ex-Judge's Two Books Hits Shelves," Bree Hocking writes, "Regardless of one’s personal politics, Pickering, as the first of President Bush’s nominees to be rejected by Senate Democrats, has a compelling story to tell. However, much of that (due to the haste with which it was released) doesn’t make it into this book, which reads like a master’s thesis (with a strongly conservative bias), replete with footnotes and lengthy citations. The juicy bits will come later, in a second book due out “either this fall or the first part of next year” that will explore the “personal odyssey” of his nearly four-year battle for confirmation, Pickering says. It will also expand on the solutions he’s put forward in this book on how to mend the current judicial confirmation process."



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